Let’s Decide Together / Citizen-initiated National Referendum on Nuclear Power
We are a citizens’ advocacy group campaigning to hold a national referendum about the future of nuclear power in Japan. We are not a group “in favor of” or “against” nuclear power. We wish that this decision be made by the citizens of this country. Each member of our group is free to express his or her candid opinion about nuclear power.
(1) We are requesting for nonpartisan diet members to endorse the establishment of a procedural law to make a national referendum about nuclear power use in Japan possible. We are also requesting for the same to the present government.
(2) In order to make our voices heard we are now carrying out a referendum petition with the goal of getting 1.11 million signatures. We are also hoping to enlist 110 thousand supporters of our group.
(3) On the local government level our members and supporters in Osaka just finished, on January 9th, a petition to demand for a local referendum on the use of nuclear power aiming at the enactment of an ordinance. In Osaka, we were able to collect 61,087 signatures of the 42 thousand signatures necessary to make this direct demand. We hope the mayor and the city council members of Osaka will take this demand seriously and decide to carry out this local referendum. In Tokyo, we are now carrying out a similar campaign to collect signatures with February 9th being the deadline to collect the 220 thousand signatures necessary for this direct demand. If both the Osaka and Tokyo campaigns are successful this will mean that the two greatest electricity consumer areas of Japan will be able to hold a local referendum on the use of nuclear power for the first time.
Let’s Decide Together / Citizen-initiated National Referendum on Nuclear Power Secretariat
Kawasaki Citizen Activity Center letterbox No.36
(kawasaki-shiminkatsudo center)
Shinmarukohigashi 3-1100-12
Nakahara-ku, Kanagawa-ken
Tel 070-5369-9707
fax 03-5539-4046
mail: info@gkokumintohyo.com
web: http://gkokumintohyo.com
twitter: https://twitter.com/genpatsuvote
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kokumintohyo
Question 1: Is it really possible to hold a national referendum in Japan?
Answer: Yes, it is. If the Japanese Diet passes a procedural law to hold a national referendum on the use of nuclear power, it will be possible. In Article 41 of the Japanese Constitution it states; The Diet shall be the highest organ of state power and shall be the sole law-making organ of the State. In Japan’s Constitution it also states that any revision of the constitution requires the holding of a national referendum. However, on all other matters the results of a national referendum will not be legally binding. Accordingly, it is our aim is to hold an advisory-style national referendum. The results of this referendum would then have to be taken seriously as the will of Japan’s citizens and government policies would have to reflect this will. Such an advisory-style national referendum concerning the use of nuclear power was held in Sweden in 1980.
Question 2: Has a national referendum ever been held in Japan?
Answer: No. On the local government level many local referendums have been held concerning such important issues as nuclear power plant construction, relocation of American military bases and sluice-gate dams. In the past, three local referendums have been held concerning the construction of nuclear power plants. In other countries national referendums concerning the use of nuclear power have been held as follows; Switzerland (6 times), Austria, Sweden, Italy (2 times) and Lithuania.
(1) 「原発」国民投票を実施するための手続き法の制定のため、超党派で国会議員の賛同を求める。行政府にも法律制定の推進を働きかける。
(2) 国民にある声を形にするために111万人の署名、11万人の会への賛同人参加を目指す。
(3) 自治体単位での原発稼働、廃止を選択する「住民投票」実施を求めて、大阪市と東京都で条例制定運動の展開。大阪市では条例制定を求める直接請求署名を法定期間内(1/9終了)に必要署名数約4万2000筆に対して、61,087筆を集めた。この運動は、大阪市民の声を尊重して、市長及び市議会が「住民投票」 実施を決断できるかどうかという次のステップへ。東京都では、現在、2/9までに必要署名数・約22万筆を集めている。これ(ら)が実現すると、電気の巨大消費地で原発を問う初めての「住民投票」 となる。
みんなで決めよう「原発」国民投票 連絡先
〒211-0004 川崎市中原区新丸子東3-1100-12
かわさき市民活動センター レターケースNo.36
Tel 070-5369-9707
fax 03-5539-4046
メール: info@gkokumintohyo.com
web: http://gkokumintohyo.com
twitter: https://twitter.com/genpatsuvote
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kokumintohyo
Q 日本で国民投票は実現できるのですか。
Q 日本で今まで国民投票が実施されたことはありますか。